Necropsy Transport to CSU

Necropsy Transport to CSU Lab

*Additional Fees apply for Necropsy report from CSU.

Horse&Halo offers transport of deceased large animals to Colorado State University’s teaching hospital for Necropsy.

The loss of any animal is lamentable; all are unique and valuable whether their role is companionship, performance or economic. The goal of the necropsy section is to identify the cause of death and processes that contributed to mortality. The knowledge gained helps to provide closure for the owners of companion animals, mitigate or forestall production limiting diseases in livestock, identify new or emerging disease conditions, collect evidence for potential prosecution in animal abuse cases and provide feedback to clinicians.

The service is conducted by faculty pathologists alongside graduate veterinarian anatomic pathology residents and senior veterinary students. Participation in necropsy is a fundamental, foundational experience for training the next generation of biomedical scientists and veterinary practitioners.

Please fill out the form to the right to schedule a pickup and transport to CSU. We will contact you via your preferred method as soon as possible!

MUST COMPLETE: On the very bottom, right-hand side of our webpage, you can find the Necropsy intake form. This will need to be completed prior to pickup and provided to your Horse&Halo driver.


Necropsy Transport Form